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Lean Six Sigma Solutions

 At CapRock, the objective of applying Lean Six Sigma methods is to significantly decrease the error rate, remove waste and improve the bottom line performance while at the same time improve the productivity of existing resources. Through the application of Lean and Six Sigma methods to work processes and procedures, organizations transform labor-related activities to become more efficient and repeatable with reduced errors and rework.  

CapRock Lean Six Sigma Solutions:

-Lean assessment

-Lean report

-Lean solution implementation

-Lean and Six Sigma workshops

-Value Stream Mapping

-Facilitated Kaizen events

-Lean / Six Sigma implementation

-Process capabilities studies

-Lean layout and optimization

-Workflow assessment and optimization

-Customized solutions for our clients


Lean Six Sigma: Tools, Methods and information

The Eight Wastes of Lean

 1.Transport (moving products that are not actually required to perform the processing)

2. Inventory (all components, work in process and finished product not being processed)

3. Motion people or equipment moving or walking more than is necessary

4.Under utilization of people

5. Waiting (waiting for the next production step)

6. Overproduction

7.Over Processing

8. Defects and rework


Lean Five-step process

1.Specify the value from the perspective of the customer.

2.Identify the steps in the value stream , eliminating whenever possible steps that do not create value.

3.Put the value-creating steps  in tight sequence so the product will flow smoothly toward the customer.

4. Let customers pull value from the next upstream activity as work flow is introduced

5. Begin the process again until a state of perfection is reached


Value Stream Mapping

Value stream mapping is used to analyze and document the current state of the flow of the end-to-end work processes, material and information flow required to bring a product or service to the end customer.

The information documented in the current state map can then be utilized to develop the future state map, gap analysis, plan for Kaizen events (rapid improvements) and action plan to implement the desired future state based on company strategic and tactical plans.


Kaizen Events

A continuous improvement effort involving members of a work cell and management team.  A specific area is targeted for defined improvement opportunities and solutions are developed and implemented over a relatively short amount of time, in many cases 3-5 days.


Visual Controls

The objectives of visual controls are to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of a process by increasing the visibility of the work steps.


There are two types of application in visual controls, displays and controls.

 Visual display with charts showing production, financial, customer, quality performance of the company or a graph demonstrating performance of the group or individual members.

 Visual control to guide the action of the work group associates.


Common Visual controls

 -Associate group display boards with charts, metrics, procedures, etc.

- Production boards

- Color-coded

- Painted floor areas

- Shadow boards

- Indicator lights

 -Direction of flow indicators


Standardized work

Standard Work is a defined and documented process to produce at a specified rate. Standard Work has three main components:

 1.It is balanced to the takt time.

 2.It specifies standard work-in-process (WIP).

 3.It defines the sequence of operations for a single operator

Examples: company procedures , checklists, flowcharts, work instructions, etc.


5S System

5S provides tools to sort out items not needed and organize what is needed which include equipment, fixtures, work environment and documentation.  5S is much more than housekeeping. Results of 5S programs include an organized and increased workspace, improved productivity, visual tools, layout, reduced supply and material costs and a more standardized work.



In nearly all cases, the flow patterns arrange the process steps in a natural flow order, link process steps to minimize cycle time and travel distance, eliminate crossover points, and simulate a continuous flow process by putting internal customers and suppliers next to each other.

Flow shapes such as:

-Straight-through flow

-U-shaped flow .

- L-shaped flow 

- The comb and spine .




Process flow considerations, physical constraints, and the location of utilities. The entry and exit points, specifically the location of the receiving and shipping docks, play a significant role in both the shape of the layout and placement of the various work flows.


Six sigma focuses on the idea that if there is six standard deviations between the process mean and the nearest specification limit process will meet specifications.

Six Sigma is utilized to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing defects, errors, and minimizing variability in work processes.  


Process capability studies measure the number of standard deviations between the process mean and the nearest specification limit in sigma units. As process standard deviation goes up, or the mean of the process moves away from the center of the tolerance, fewer standard deviations will fit between the mean and the nearest specification limit, decreasing the sigma number and increasing the likelihood of items outside specification.


CapRock leverages over 25 years of broad industry experience to develop the right solution to meet your organizations needs. 


We are glad help you define the scope for your project, develop the ROI for justification, as well as answer any questions you may have



CapRock Global Solutions is a Premier Provider of Industrial Engineering and Productivity Solutions.
 2701 Purdue Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73128 US
Phone: (855)927-7625 Website: